Ufff, this was a long week. After my first successful IRIX installation I tried to download de IRIX 6.5.22 overlays from SGI supportfolio. After a few minutes downloading the first file a full disc warning appeared on screen. With a clean installation in a 18Gb disk it is impossible and I start to look the fault. I found that the hard disk had a 15 Gb partition unmounted. I tried to mount without success.
After one night of work I decided to reformat my hard disk and reinstall everything. This was the third attempt but was the best. Wednesday night IRIX was installed without any problem (except a AppleShare application fault, but is normal). Thursday I downloaded the overays and this weekend the overlays and firefox (from nekoware!!!) are installed successful!!!.
Now my Octane2 is full working (I think) and I can start my projects WOW.
I'm tired. more tomorrow.... See you.
Sí, soy humano… ¿pero cómo diablos lo pruebo?
23 hours ago