After this successfull test I decided to switch servers and use the new one as BitTorrent permanent client. To do that I only need to set the ip address of the new one like the old RaQ and install the linux client. And here start the problems: The CentOS+BlueQuartz distributions didn't have compiling tools.
I only found the GCC-Tools package from NuOnce Networks in a BlueQuartz package but it doesn't want to install by the easy way with the GUI. Fortunatelly theirs forums has the solution, install it manualy by the shell: Here is the link.
- Upload the file via FTP to the server.
- Uncompress the file: tar xfvpz BQ-5102*
- Go into the RPMS folder: cd RPMS
- Be root: type su and then the admin password as required.
- Install all the pakages with rpm -ivh --force --nodeps *.
And ready. Now you can follow my previous guide to install the client.
With the new software, the symbolic links to the noip software have to be done in other way then the old RaQ4 software:
In the old Raq you have todo in the /etc/rc.d/init.d folder:
# ln -s noip /etc/rc3.d/S99noip
# ln -s noip /etc/rc6.d/K99noip
# ln -s noip /etc/rc0.d/K99noip
In the new CentOS is a bit more tricky:
- # cd /etc/rc3.d
- # ln -s ../init.d/noip S99noip
- # cd /etc/rc6.d
- # ln -s ../init.d/noip K99noip
- #cd /etc/rc0.d
- # ln -s ../init.d/noip K99noip