Thursday, December 31, 2009

Zend Optimizer in BlueOnyx has released an optional update for BlueOnyx. Now we can run Zend Optimizer for php with a simple yum command:
  • # yum install php-zend-optimizer.i386
More information in the mailing list.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Do you need to pack a big folder? While trying compilations and diverse patch files my last project (new cobalt kernel) I needed to pack the source folder a lot of times. I use tar and gzip commands to do that but using separately. I can recommend this super-easy guide to pack in one command.

It's very easy: $ tar czvf myfolder.tar.gz abcfolder/

I don't know why but my memory always forget the options of a command, this is the reason of this post.

Finally I have a new kernel for my Strongbolt servers

After a lot of time working on it, I have a new kernel for my SB RaQ's. For now I only have compiled the SB1 Gen III version but it's running very good in my develop box. You can check the picture. It the latest Centos 4 kernel 2.6.9-89.0.18.EL.

I have a warning message while booting, that says: unable to initializetable 'filter' I have to double check but seems with not a lot of importance. Now I go to compile Gen V version and SB2 versions.

Stay tunned!

Update 30-12-2009: Everything is working now, just to actiuvate some more options in menuconfig before compile.