Monday, July 18, 2011

Decompressing a tar.bz2 archive

Too many time without play with Linux machines!!!!! I forget how toi decompress a tar.bz2 archive. Posted to easy find it in a future:

# tar -jxvf myfile.tar.bz2

Speeding up ssh connections/logins

Very useful is to deactivate the DNS lookups in the ssh server. Another easy modification: add one line to the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:

  1. Type: # pico /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  2. Add the line (green bold one): 
#PermitTunnel no

UseDNS no

# no default banner path

Cobalt RaQ 4: slow slow sloooooow ftp login

Hi guys,
this week I turned on on RaQ with the old Cobalt OS with all the Zeffie's updates (New updates appeared this year). I like the fast responese of the Cobalt servers with this old Operating System and I don't need the extra capabilities of the BlueQuartz or BlueOnyx systems.

But today I started to check if I can compile the latest 2.4 kernel but when I went to some upload files to the server I could not connect to ftp. Some search of the web to found the problem, the proftp server has some features enabled in the latest version that can be deactivated for us.

To do this just add this lines (green bold ones) to the /etc/proftpd.conf file just after the first configuration lines:

ServerName                      "ProFTPD"
ServerType                      inetd
DeferWelcome                    off
DefaultServer                   on
DefaultRoot                     / admin
DefaultRoot                     ~/../.. site-adm
DefaultRoot                     ~ !site-adm

UseIPv6                                off
UseReverseDNS                   off

And add one line to the GLOBAL subsection (green bold chars):
IdentLookups                    off

# Report localtime, not GMT
TimesGMT                        off