Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Switching RaQ's

I had some free time this weekend to realize one of my test. In this case I tested the second Cobalt RaQ4 with CentOS+BQ and Torrentflux 2.4. Very happy with the results. Now I can download big files of various GB's.

After this successfull test I decided to switch servers and use the new one as BitTorrent permanent client. To do that I only need to set the ip address of the new one like the old RaQ and install the no-ip.com linux client. And here start the problems: The CentOS+BlueQuartz distributions didn't have compiling tools.

I only found the GCC-Tools package from NuOnce Networks in a BlueQuartz package but it doesn't want to install by the easy way with the GUI. Fortunatelly theirs forums has the solution, install it manualy by the shell: Here is the link.

  1. Upload the file via FTP to the server.
  2. Uncompress the file: tar xfvpz BQ-5102*
  3. Go into the RPMS folder: cd RPMS
  4. Be root: type su and then the admin password as required.
  5. Install all the pakages with rpm -ivh --force --nodeps *.

And ready. Now you can follow my previous guide to install the no-ip.com client.


With the new software, the symbolic links to the noip software have to be done in other way then the old RaQ4 software:

In the old Raq you have todo in the /etc/rc.d/init.d folder:

# ln -s noip /etc/rc3.d/S99noip
# ln -s noip /etc/rc6.d/K99noip
# ln -s noip /etc/rc0.d/K99noip

In the new CentOS is a bit more tricky:

  1. # cd /etc/rc3.d
  2. # ln -s ../init.d/noip S99noip
  3. # cd /etc/rc6.d
  4. # ln -s ../init.d/noip K99noip
  5. #cd /etc/rc0.d
  6. # ln -s ../init.d/noip K99noip