I don't have static IP from my Internet provider, so I need use a Dynamic DNS server system to access my servers from everywhere I go. There is two major service providers: DynDNS and No-Ip.com. Some time ago I used the No-ip service in another project and I tried this now for hat reason and because I like its web interface (No tests with DynDNS are made but...). First decision made here comes the second: In what server install the client software? EASY, in the Cobalt RaQ 4... low power needed to run and usually it's running 24/7.
The process is very easy:
- Download the client software to te Cobalt appliance. In my case I download it with my workstation and then used FTP to put the file in the admin folder, but there is a beter and faster command to do: log as admin with any telnet client and the write wget http://www.no-ip.com/client/linux/noip-duc-linux.tar.gz,
- Uncompress the file. Write tar zxvf noip-duc-linux.tar.gz and press enter. Now you have a new folder called noip-2.1.7 -Obviously the numbers can change with a new release of the client-. go into the new folder with cd noip-2.1.7.
- Compile the client program. First you need become root user. Type su and press enter. You will be asked for the password, this password is the same as the admin one. The prompt must chage from $ to #. This means you are root and you can do everything, including deleting something important and crash the sever. Now type make and press enter, the server is compiling the software.
- Installing and configuring. When the compilation is done, type make install. Now the software is being copied to the destination folder -/usr/local/bin- and then the configuration wizard starts: it asks for your No-ip.com account user id and password, if you want to update all the existing domains or subdomains (in my case YES), and the time of check the domains.
- Starting the daemon at boot. First we need a script to turn the daemon ON, OFF and RESTART. With the client there is a script -redhat.noip.sh- that is ready to use. Copy it to the folder cp redhat.noip.sh /etc/rc.d/init.d/noip and make it executable: chmod +x noip. Now we need to link the script in the runlevel folders (3 is the default runlevel when the server is running, 6 is for reboot and 0 for HALT status):
# ln -s noip /etc/rc3.d/S99noip
# ln -s noip /etc/rc6.d/K99noip
# ln -s noip /etc/rc0.d/K99noip
And that's all.
P.D.: One question: Why I need to see my server from outside my home?....... to check how my torrents are going with torrentflux!!!!!!!
No-ip.com linux download page: http://www.no-ip.com/downloads.php?page=linux
The Newbie's Guide to the No-IP™ Linux Client: http://www.no-ip.com/support/guides/update_clients/setting_up_linux_update_client.html
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