This is one of the easy admin solutions working with Cobalt RaQ's. It's easy to create a new CD to reinstall the Cobalt OS (OSRCD) but modifying partitions sizes and including Updates and Packages.
At the Cobalt Faqs site you can find this fantastic HOWTO, and create your special disc. this is a fast job using any linux flavor. In my case I have Fedora 9 running in my laptop and I find something different: Fedora doesn't include mkisofs but include genisoimage tool -OK genisoimage is linked as mkisofs but the parameters are not the same-.
Assuming you have stored your new OSRCD in /home/osrcd, the working command must be:
# cd /home/osrcd
# genisoimage -P YourName -b boot/eltorito.img -c boot/boot.catalog -R -l -L -J -o /tmp/filename.iso /home/osrcd
Another important thing: After the installation of the OS in our loved RaQ or Qube the LCD shows the name and net address of the server (after seccond reboot) but it doesn't ask for intro the new address. After a few seconds you can see how the LCD displays the name of the first package to install. This is a little bit strange because after the reboot seems that everything is finished, DON'T TOUCH THE FRONT PANEL KEYS!!!
The LCD messages changues between the name of the package being installed and the ip address until the last package is in the hard disk, the the server shutdown itshelf asking to turn off power.
My new OSRCD has all the updates created by Sun in order a runs nice but before a created a OSRCD with all Zeffies updates and it hang with a fault of campatibility (or something similar).
Internet y el futuro distópico
3 hours ago
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