Friday, April 11, 2008

SunFire V120 as a Workstation

Yeah... Finally I have an Sparc machine with display!!!!

The last two nights I had been working with my V120 server, installing a PGX32 gfx card that I received sometime ago. First I installed with the old Solaris 10 installation but nothig was appearing on the screen, only some noise. I didn't have the handbook and I wanted to do a fresh install. Today at lunch time I reinstalled it but the result was the same.

Some search in the sun website to reach the Framebuffer Handbook. First I configured the card from Solaris but I only get a yellow screen.. this was better anyway. Then I tried modifying the NVRAM parameters:

  1. From the root prompt: # poweroff
  2. In the lom prompt: lom> bootmode forth
  3. lom> poweron
  4. When I have the ok prompt I type >ok setenv output-device screen:r1280x1024x60
  5. ok reset
And... after a reboot my monitor start to show the boot messages and then the login screen!

Today is too late and I am so tired. Soon I put pictures and more explanations.

See you.

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